MTBI: Vertigo, Headaches, Memory Problems and More

migraine headache

Symptoms of Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (MTBI)

In recent years, people have begun to talk more about more about traumatic brain injuries, but some traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions, are more mild than others. These mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI), which refers to the severity of the initial physical trauma and not the consequences of the injury, can happen in everyday situations that result from a person falling, getting into car accidents, or otherwise injuring their heads.

Quite often, because the results of mild traumatic brain injuries, such as blurred vision or memory loss, do not last for long periods of time, the victim does not consider the long-term consequences. Sometimes, the effects of an MTBI may last longer or be more severe, but the victim may not associate the effects of the MTBI with the accident.

Among more common yet unnoticed symptoms of MTBI are cognitive problems, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, and anxiety, depression, and more. Though, because the victim is unaware of the association between their MTBI and these symptoms, the symptoms are often ignored and go untreated.

When these symptoms are left untreated, they could lead to further complications months or years after the occurrence of the MTBI. Below are some of the more common symptoms of mild traumatic brain injuries.


If you experienced an MTBI and suffer from Fibromyalgia, there is a good chance that you also suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. A traumatic neck injury can be the cause, but they may not occur for months or even years after the injury.

Vertigo or Dizziness

The Vestibular System, which includes the upper neck, collaborates with the brainstem to control a person’s balance. When this system is damaged, the communications from the brainstem to the upper neck is damaged. This results in Vertigo or dizziness.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

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Headaches can be triggered by irritation to the nerves and blood vessels, and those irritants may be a result of neck dysfunction from an MTBI. Upper cervical care will help to reduce the irritation to the nerves and blood vessels, so as to reduce chronic headaches.

Unfortunately, many people who experience changes in their behavior, sleep patterns, cognitive abilities, and more do not associate them with accidents. They accept these changes as a “part of life” and never receive the proper care. If you or someone you know experienced a MTBI, it is important that you see an Upper Cervical Specialist right away.

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