What Defines a Migraine and Is There Help Available?

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Tension Headache, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Headaches ReliefMigraines and headaches, in general, are not normal. Doctors and scientists cannot find a reason to explain why they happen. When they do occur, a person just wants to find the best and quickest way to alleviate the pain. One may wonder if what he is feeling is just a bad headache or if it is a migraine? Here are some symptoms of a migraine:

  • A throbbing or pulsating feeling in the head
  • May only affect one side of the head
  • Problems concentrating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to bright lights, strong odors, and loud noises
  • Visual disturbances may be present
  • Can last up to 3 days

How Some Treat Migraines

Most of the time a medical doctor will begin by prescribing over-the-counter or prescription drugs to alleviate the pain. Keep in mind, however, that these do come with unwanted and dangerous side-effects. Some people self-medicate with alcohol or tobacco. Since these are actually triggers for migraines, they may make the situation much worse in the long run. Such things as mild exercise, relaxation techniques, and good sleep habits can help in some situations. But none of these address the root cause. Therefore, a migraine may occur again and again.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries download our migraine e-book Natural and Drug-Free Ways to End Your Migraines by clicking the image below:

Graham Migraine Relief

A Better Option to Prevent Migraines

It has been seen in many cases that migraines occur due to a misalignment in the upper neck vertebrae. If the top two bones of the neck are out of alignment, they can place undue pressure on the brainstem. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow and nerve function can be disrupted. Communication from the brain and body is also hindered.

If you want to try a natural means of getting help, upper cervical chiropractic begins with specialized x-rays to find out specifically where the misalignment is. Once detected, we begin to treat the person based on a scientific method that does not require popping or forcing the spine back into place. Rather we use a gentle procedure that allows the body to make use of its natural healing ability to realign the bones and restore the damaged tissue. Patients in clinical studies have reported seeing positive results in as little as one or two adjustments.


  • Ferri, Fred. Headache, Migraine. Ferri’s Clinical Advisor, 2012 ed.; 429-430.

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