Headaches in Children/ Adolescents: Is This Normal?

Does your child suffer from headaches or migraines? Have they complained of unrelenting head pain? Do you find yourself giving adult medication to a child to help them get through the day? Headaches are abnormal in children and often the medical solutions for them are limiting or non-existent. Doing what is best for your child by getting them help and …

Timeline of A Migraine Attack: The 4 Phases


As upper cervical chiropractors in Graham, Washington, we have been too familiar with every facet of migraines. Migraines are a brain condition known to cause recurring and severe head pain. The headache often ranges from moderate to severe. A study showed migraines afflict at least 1 in 6 Americans. Migraines have been reported as far back as 1500 BCE. Although …

Are car rides killing your neck & back?

Are Car Rides killing your back and neck? Do you avoid traveling long distance because of pain or discomfort? Are you finding yourself having to constantly shift weight while you sit in the car? Do you have to stop at every rest stop because you need to get out and stretch? Many people lose quality of life from this kind …

The #1 fact all Car Owners Should Know

The #1 fact all Car Owners Should Know The most critical thing you should do as you climb behind the wheel of a car is adjust your headrest into the proper position. If you do just this ONE thing you can minimize the impact of whiplash trauma and protect the most vulnerable part of your body, your upper neck and …

Can NUCCA Help Your Allergies?

Spring is upon us, and so is allergy season. You can see the thick yellow pollen blowing in the breeze and collecting on car window. Everyone is excited for the first sunny days of spring, but for many it is the dreaded start to allergy season. Pressure in the sinuses build, constant blocked airways, itchy watery eyes and chest pain …

The Secret of Getting Rid of Headaches, Available in Graham, WA

Children Testimonials

It seems as if almost everyone has had a headache at one time or another. Even children suffer from them. Some people even have chronic headaches or migraines, meaning they are afflicted with them at least 15 days out of a month’s time. Headaches can be anywhere from mild to extreme and can interfere with one’s daily routine. Numerous types …

Odd but True Facts About Migraines and Where to Find Relief


Migraines are quite common in today’s fast-paced world. No matter how common they may be, they still sap a person of his energy and affect one’s quality of life. Not only is the person affected but his friends and family can also be negatively impacted when he is suffering. Someone may think they know all there is to know about …

Migraines—Why a Patch Doesn’t Fix the Underlying Problem

Nearly 38 million Americans are suffering from migraines and finding the search for relief to be elusive. The problem with modern migraine care is that nearly every option is designed to relieve symptoms after an attack has already begun. As a result, there is very little in the way of preventative medicine. Plus, many present drugs prove ineffective for a …

How to Find Natural Relief from Migraines

Migraines often present with severe head pain as a primary symptom. However, this is not the only migraine symptom, and some other others can be just as debilitating. Here are a few other common symptoms, though this is by no means a comprehensive list: Sensory sensitivity Vertigo Mood swings Abdominal pain Nausea and vomiting Some patients experience aura prior to …